
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Various Birds, Large and Small

With most of the leaves gone from shrubs and trees it is easier to see birds at this time of the year.  One of my favorite places to watch for them is at water sources which have not frozen solid.
In the first photo a small group of Black Ducks congregate at the edge of a lake...

A Gadwall swims alone...

On a small pond, Swans group together...

while Canada Geese arrive to keep them company...

Among this group of geese are five Red-Head Ducks...

Bitter cold temperatures and strong winds leave interesting patterns in the snow...

 but create hardships for wildlife trying to survive, like this Song Sparrow...


Savannah Sparrow...

And this White Throated Sparrow...

Back at the open water, Blue Birds are crowding in for a drink...

This Song Sparrow is searching for seeds...

while a Killdeer seeks food at the shore of the lake...

On the way back to the house I came across these Great Horned Owls hootin' it up...

I hope you are able to stay warm and well, and come back soon.

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