
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Where Do They Hide?

For the last two weeks it has been incredibly hard to find wildlife or birds to photograph.  Finally, this morning, a belted kingfisher allowed me to take a photograph...

I recently discovered a Face Book page devoted to Maryland birds; it is appropriately called "MD Birding".  If you follow me on Face Book you have probably seen the photos that I published there.  For the rest of you, I will post some of them here. First, a great blue heron scratching an itch...

A cedar waxwing and a robin feeding on berries in our neighbors tree...


A blue heron in the snow...

A robin eating breakfast...

Finally, a northern mockingbird at Lilypons Water gardens...

It is a humbling experience to visit a Face Book page like "MD Birding" where so many awesome photographers post their photos.  It is also a great place to keep up with recent bird sightings.

Thanks for visiting, stay well, and stop back soon.


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