While driving near a newly mowed hayfield I spotted two birds that are not usually seen in our area. They could easily be confused for a sparrow by the casual observer. They are about the same size, and the female especially, has similar coloration. The male resembles a miniature Meadow Lark with yellow on his breast with a black "V" shaped bib.
The bird is the Dickcissel. The first two photos are of the male and the second two of the female...
As you can see, they are enthusiastic singers. I hope that, some day, you get to see this species in person.
Thank you for posting this. We saw a Dickcissel and at first thought it was a Meadowlark, but it did not have the Meadowlark spots. Now we know it was a Dickcissel. We are in SE Iowa and it was on a powerline along a gravel road between cornfields. Thank you again.