
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

March 2021...the Rest of the Story


On a frosty morning earlier this month, I waited at one of my favorite spots overlooking a small creek.  One never knows what bird or mammal might appear seeking a first chance to obtain water.  On this day I was fortunate to have a mink appear just as the sun was rising...

When mink are seeking food they tend to be slow and methodical, exploring each root ball or hole in the bank that could harbor something to eat...

This time of year, however, marks the end of their mating season.  This one had something other than breakfast on it's mind...

This encounter was over in a matter of seconds.  I felt grateful to be in the right place to document his passing...

Tender new buds offer squirrels a welcome change of diet...

This belted kingfisher was having a good day fishing...

The remains of a calf attracted a red-tailed hawk, and a black vulture determined to drive him off...

On a different day this bald eagle was feeding on the same carcass...

A bold crow tries to keep another eagle away from the carcass...

A pack of fox hounds seek a fresh scent to follow...

This muskrat was calmly feeding around midday...

Until the sound of my camera's shutter alerted it...

This male pileated woodpecker is inspecting the suitability of a tree cavity for a nesting site...

The screech owl in the cavity just above may have discouraged the woodpecker...

A squirrel has taken occupancy in the cavity that the pileated woodpeckers used last year...

A different screech owl has set up house keeping nearby...

Two male northern shovelers are resting on a small pond...

This red-tailed hawk was perched on my route home...

I mentioned, in an earlier blog post, that vultures seem to be unusually plentiful this year...

This turkey vulture is making a meal from a several months-old raccoon carcass...

On the ground vultures may seem clumsy, but at the first sign of danger they can quickly become airborne...

Wild turkeys are on the move.  Spring is their mating season...

Spring is also turkey gobbler hunting season.  One important safety consideration for those who spend time in the woods is to never wear garments that display the colors red, white and blue.  These three colors can be mistaken for the head of a  gobbler...

Thanks for visiting, be well, and come back soon.

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