
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Barred Owl Encounter

While watching an area of woods recently, hoping to see something interesting to photograph, I was surprised to see a barred owl fly to a nearby tree...

The reason for this daytime sighting became apparent when a number crows followed the owl and chased it from one perch to another, seeming to delight in their ability to bully it...

The owl flew from tree to tree to escape it's tormenters...

As luck would have it, on one flight it...

landed directly over my vehicle. This image was taken through the open sunroof...

In spite of the torment the owl endured, there did not appear to be any damage done. Eventually the crows lost interest in their game and left...

Thanks for visiting, be well, and come back soon.


  1. As always, love the photos of the birds. This is so cute.

  2. What a terrific story Steve! The last photo taken from your sunroof made me laugh. I thoroughly enjoy your photos.


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