These curious, energetic animals explore each hole and crevice that they encounter...
When they explore submerged roots and logs they often emerge with a fish. In this case a sunfish...
This one captured a bass...
During warmer weather I found a mink with a bullfrog...
When the stream is stocked with trout the mink begin fishing in earnest...
Last week I found this mink scent marking a patch of green moss. Leaving scent will notify other mink that this territory is already claimed...
When mink mate the male is brutal, seizing the female by the back of her neck and shaking her into submission...
Like otters, mink have a web membrane between their toes allowing them to capture fish with ease...
They will soon be lining their dens with dry grass and leaves in readiness for the birth of the next generation...
If your travels take you near ponds, lakes or streams you might encounter a mink, especially at this time of year.
Hello Steve
ReplyDeleteI like always your pictures.
Greetings bets
Thank you, Bets. I am glad you enjoy them.