
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Bluebirds Fledge in Our Yard


Greetings one and all. Yesterday we were treated to front row seats as the bluebird chicks that were hatched in our feeder fledged...

This old feeder has seen many years of use. This year a pair of bluebirds decided that it was just right for their brood...

First one fledging came out and surveyed the world for the first time. It wasn't long before the adults were kept busy bringing food...

One of the first out had to stand by while the adults fed the others still in the nest...

It didn't seem very happy about it, either...

Eventually, all of the little one departed...

Before the last one was out english sparrows were sizing up the feeder...

Luckily, the sparrows did not evict the bluebirds. Something they are well know for.

Thanks for visiting, be well, and stop back soon.

1 comment:

  1. What fun it must have been to watch that! I bet that first one was a boy, and will be a handful for his parents.


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