
Friday, December 16, 2022

Who, Who Cooks For You?

 The distinctive call of the barred owl is often described as "who, who cooks for you". They are more often heard than seen...

There is an area not far from our house where I frequently encounter barred owls, and a few days ago I happened upon one...

I was just lucky to capture a flight sequence when it change trees...

The owl flew closer to my location and landed in an open spot...

I wasn't sure what it was doing when I grabbed the next image...

It turned out that it was just changing directions before flying again...

The next photo was taken through my open sun roof...

I have been watching for owls since 2022 began. This is the only one that cooperated.

Thanks for visiting, be well, and come back soon.

1 comment:

  1. I hear owls here often, and it makes me feel so, I don't know, connected somehow? Theirs is the song of the wild to me, and reminds me that even though civilization has crept closer, we still live in a pretty wild area.


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