
Friday, December 24, 2021



Winter. Not my least favorite season, only because we have to endure the humid summers here in Maryland. With that being said, it is hard to deny the beauty of nature, even in winter...

Leaves, branches and berries become encased in a coating of ice...

I enjoy seeing ice gradually form on rocks and branches submerged in flowing water...

A recent snow fall shows the trail of a beaver across a local stream...

Primitive decorations adorn an historic cabin in the Catoctin Mountains...

The outline of a spider is projected through a back-lit leaf illuminated by the evening sun...

Melting snow remains on a lichen covered rock...

A farm house looks peaceful under a stormy sky and a setting sun...

In Wyoming, a herd of migrating elk cross a meadow...

A whitetail buck emerges from the fog...

Fast flowing water has no time to freeze...

While deeper pools flow more slowly and become topped by ice...

A snow covered birds nest reminds one of seasons past, and the promise of new ones to come...

Thanks for visiting, be well, and come back soon.


  1. I always enjoy your pictures!!! The detail in each picture is amazing!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Happy New Year to you and your family!!!

  2. Steve, you sure can catch the beauty of a season. These make me want it to snow and ice so I can go out looking for simialr beauty around here.


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