
Thursday, June 24, 2021



In the area of the Grand Teton National Park known as Colter Bay, there lives a family of black bears that all display a color variation called "cinnamon".  The photo above, taken by Cheryl, shows the whole family as they visit Jackson Lake after meandering through the campground.

Bears in the campground, no matter how small...

Or how large...

Are a cause for excitement among the campers and other visitors. We were lucky to happen upon this family as we returned to our campsite...

It is just not safe to allow bears to remain in the campground, mainly because some humans do not secure their food properly. Once the bears learn that the campground is a good place to find food they will return until there is a conflict with a camper. This almost always ends badly for the bear.  It is the role of the Wildlife Management Brigade to intervene before the situation escalates...

The wildlife management folks keep the tourists a safe distance from the bears and try to prevent the bears from getting into trouble...

It is not the easiest job in the park and one that is usually unappreciated by the visitors. It is almost time for this bear family to disband as the sow comes into season and boars will be searching for her.

Thanks for visiting, be well, and come back soon. 

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