
Saturday, October 24, 2020

Fall Is A Magical Season

There are many reasons why this is my favorite time of year. The migration of many species of birds is one...

This golden-crowned kinglet is one of several that visited our yard recently...

This northern mockingbird was enjoying the early morning sunshine...

Changing colors, seen here reflected in a small stream, are an important part of   the season...

A yellow-rumped warbler enjoys a bath...

I watched a blue jay gather acorns...

to stash in a woodpile for later use...

This rusty blackbird is a migrant that I don't see often...

It was interesting to see how this song sparrow blended into the habitat...

I spotted a screech owl peering from a hollow sycamore tree...

When I returned a few days later, it was back in the same spot...

Locating an owl is always a much appreciated gift from nature...

This common yellowthroat has a unique beauty in her subdued colors...


You may have guessed that being surrounded by nature is my "happy place"...

Thanks for visiting, be well, and come back soon.


  1. Great owl photos. Had a huge female eagle in the top of a dead tree along the fence row yesterday. Sat there in the fog, waiting for the sun to shine to dry off and warm up. Was there at least an hour. Gave me a lot of time to view her with binoculars. Also hearing a lot of Great Horned owls calling to each other.


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