
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Strange Year For Hummingbirds

Despite having a hummingbird feeder out since mid-April, we had no sightings until the first day of September. On that overcast and rainy day a lone "hummer" showed up in our yard...

The cool, damp weather might have caused our visitor to spend time in a bush near our flower gardens and the feeder...

I was able to approach to within ten yards, and by remaining in my car, I was able to take photographs over the next five days...

The constant rain caused the bird to take short feeding flights and then return to a favorite perch to preen and rest...

In this manner I was able to observe this bird closely without causing alarm...

In some images rain drops are visible, appearing as white spots...

I was able to identify this bird as a juvenile male, distinguished by the single red feather on his throat...

Eventually he will display the vivid ruby gorget that gives this species its name...

He seemed to be increasing his energy reserves in preparation for the migration ahead...

After five days of enjoying our visitor...

He was gone...

Thank you for visiting, be well, and come back soon.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos. Hummers were also late in arriving at our feeders; late July, which was much earlier than your bird. Ours appear to have departed now.


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