
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Better Late Than Never

This blog update is a bit overdue. My apologies for not being more diligent. I learned about this red-shouldered hawks nest long before I finally arrived to photograph it. In fact the nestlings began to fledge not two days after these photos were taken...

It was interesting to watch their antics as they tried their wings time and again, always staying in the safety of the nest...

The object was to get enough lift to carry the hawk to the other side of the nest without landing on a sibling. Then, the most recent flyer would walk back to the launching point and repeat...

There were a couple of brief interludes when they would preen...

One, in particular, seemed interested in being fed...

It was a rewarding opportunity to watch and photograph these beautiful birds. Many thanks go to the friends who alerted me to the nest, and granted access to their property.

As we were leaving I noticed that one bird was defiantly staring as us...

While the other discreetly peered from the nest...

Thanks for visiting, be well, and come back soon.


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