
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Words To Live By

"Blow up your TV, throw away your paper
Go to the country, build you a home
Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches
Try to find Jesus on your own"

These words were part of the lyrics to a song written by the late John Prine in 1971.
Prophetic, I would say...

Although his antlers were short when I took his photo, this not a young deer. He is in the process of growing a new rack, as all bucks do each year...

As I have mentioned in other posts, "there is always something new to learn" from nature. After photographing the boat-tailed grackle in the next image, I was surprised to see that it had a freshly caught frog in its mouth...

Looking like someone left an uneaten orange on a limb, I later learned that this is a Tremellomycetes Fungus...

This great blue heron can frequently be seen wading this shallow stream...

Another "stream wader" is this raccoon...

I think the indigo bunting is one of our most beautiful birds...

This red-tailed hawk is a resident hunter...

These great crested fly catchers were staying way up in the tree tops on this day...

A male goldfinch...

a blue-gray gnatcatcher...

 Success was limited finding migrating warblers this spring. Here is a yellow-rumped warbler...

and a common yellowthroat warbler...

This black-throated blue warbler was a first for me...

Thankfully, the baltimore orioles have been more abundant...

This brown-headed cowbird is displaying for a female...

This small flycatcher was entertaining but proved difficult to photograph...

Winter wrens, house wrens and carolina wrens serenade us each morning...

As I looked for wildlife to photograph, I realized that I was not the only one looking...

One of the many free roaming cats was looking, too...

Pure luck allowed me to capture this northern flicker in flight...

I rendered this gray catbird in black and white to reflect the mood of the day...

This robin made numerous trips bring mud to her nest...

She placed it inside the nest...

and then used her body to compress it and force it between the sticks; serving as a binder to hold the nest together and creating the final shape...

Some starlings were using a vintage farm tractor for their nest location...

A tree swallow at rest displays it's beautiful colors...

A female red-bellied woodpecker...

This pair of pileated woodpeckers has produced a brood of young ones. I am looking forward to the day when their little heads will be visible...

A white-throated sparrow is handsome in his breeding splendor...

A chipmunk, blissfully unaware of the goings on outside its own small world...

Thanks for visiting, be well, and come back soon.

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