
Sunday, March 8, 2020

Birds of Late Winter

One of the most uncommon sights that I recently encountered was a black vulture walking around with this head. 
The remainder of my bird encounters were more common place. I especially enjoyed this carolina wren reaching for a high note...

A yellow-bellied sapsucker visited regularly...

Next is a yellow-rumped warbler...

A downy woodpecker feeding nearby...

Three sparrows, a white throated...

A song sparrow...

and a field sparrow...

Two red-bellied woodpeckers squabbled over perching rights on a post...

until one moved to a tree...

I was only able to make a quick image of a belted kingfisher...

The common raven is seen less often than the more familiar crow...

This juvenile red-shouldered hawk posed nicely...

Especially since it was being pursued by crows...

A goldfinch enjoying a meal of seeds...

A female cardinal...

Eastern bluebirds are always a pleasure to watch...

This drenched bald eagle was perched in our yard...

Thanks for visiting, be well, and come back soon.

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