
Friday, January 3, 2020

Local Bald Eagles

I am thankful for the recovery of the bald eagle population. We live near two large cities, Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC and yet, we frequently see eagles.

I became aware of a deer carcass because of the crows that were feeding on it. I stopped to see what else might appear. In a short time an eagle flew by obviously interested in an easy meal...

It was exciting to see the eagle set it's wings and come in for a landing...

It quickly began eating...

I remained in my vehicle parked about forty yards from from the carcass. I was using a Nikon 80-400 mm lens; all of these images were cropped in the computer during post processing...

It frequently looked skyward, as if it were expecting to be joined by another eagle...

I was surprised by the amount of meat that it could eat in the 30 minutes that I watched...

When a second eagle did appear overhead the first one wasted no time rising to meet it...

I was anticipating a violent clash over which bird had the right to feed on the carcass...

Instead, after a couple of feigned aerial maneuvers...

Both eagles flew away together with no sign of animosity.

Thanks for visiting, be well, and come back soon.


  1. I wonder what the conversation was between them? Why didn't the second eagle go down and feast? Maybe the first one said, "Man, that thing tastes terrible! Got crow coodies on it!" Guess we'll never know. Seriously, this series is stunning, Steve. Thank you.


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