
Friday, October 4, 2019

BIRDS Of Mid-Maryland

When the temperatures are high and the foliage is still abundant, it can be hard to locate wildlife to photograph.  That is when I am especially grateful for birds such as the male pine warblers shown above and below..(Note: I had incorrectly identified these images. Thanks to a sharp-eyed reader for the correction)...

Perched  on a fence post, the next two images are of a juvenile blue bird....

A juvenile cardinal is the subject in the next two photos...

I was hoping to photograph a coyote when this gray catbird posed nicely...

While hoping to find a warbler this chipmunk appeared instead...

The next three images are of common yellow-throat warblers, the first is a male...

Next is a female...

Finally a juvenile male...

Eastern phoebe's are often fearless...

A gold finch searching for seeds...

This grasshopper sparrow is a "first" for me...

A house finch drinks from a muddy puddle...

We still see the occasional hummingbird in our yard...

I had trouble identifying this indigo bunting...

I am drawn to leaves suspended from spider webs...

The mud puddle still attracts mockingbirds...

And a thirsty mourning dove...

A few late migrating monarch butterflies are still around...

Persimmons are ripening and providing food for many species ranging from deer to opossums...

I came upon this drenched red-shouldered hawk during a recent downpour...

This female American red-start was in our yard...

I found this song sparrow early one morning...

This yellow-billed cuckoo was enjoying caterpillars in our yard...

This adult and juvenile bald eagle were feeding on a road-killed deer...

Another suspended leaf...

A nuthatch with a stink bug...

This inquisitive gray squirrel came quite close...

Rough-winged swallows are preparing to migrate...

All of these photos were taken within five miles of our house near Jefferson, MD...

I found this black and white warbler just yesterday...

Thanks for visiting, be well, and come back soon.

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