
Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Once upon a time in Yellowstone National Park, there lived a family of badgers.  Each time the mother badger went out to hunt the kits (baby badgers) would remind her which of them should be fed first.

While the mother was hunting the kits would peek out of their den to see what was going on outside...

Because their den was located directly across from the road leading to the Petrified Tree many people noticed the kits while driving by...

The most patient photographers waited for the mother badger to return with food for the kits...

The hungriest, or most aggressive, kit would try to greet the mother badger and get to the food first...

Sometimes this did not sit well with the other kit, who was just as hungry as it's sibling...

Badger kits, being the ornery, ferocious critters that they are, really do not like to share...

The kit with the food makes a break for the den with the other kit literally right on it's back...

A lot of snarling and squealing went on while the kits fought over the food, they even fought under mother badger...

Finally, both of the kits tumbled into the den; each still holding on to the ground squirrel...

While the squabble continued underground many of the spectators lost interest and left.  The patient photographers remained.  Eventually one kit emerged with the ground squirrel as if to demonstrate the prize to the audience...

A short time later the whole family gathered at the den entrance to enjoy the warm sunshine...

The kits enjoyed using the mother badger as a jungle gym...

The badger family was living "happily ever after" when we left.

Thanks for visiting, be well, and come back soon.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos. What an opportunity for photos, glad you took full advantage of it.


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