
Monday, April 7, 2014

Watching Wood Ducks

I always look forward to seeing the colorful Wood Ducks return to our creeks and ponds.  They are by far the most beautiful of all the wild ducks, at least they are to me.

There are only adult "woodies" around now, but soon there will be a line of ducklings following the adults.  Sometimes these family groups number as many as ten or more...

I hope you have a chance to enjoy these beautiful ducks where you live.


  1. Hello Steve
    What a beautiful ducks, i have never seen them.
    Greetings Bets

  2. They are so colorful! I don't think I've ever seen them I think I need to spend some time hunkered down by our lake and see just who comes visiting.

  3. Nice Wood Duck shots. This is a duck I see quite often but cannot get close. If they accidently get close to me, any movement will send them off.

  4. They are beautfiul, love their colours!


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