
Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Creek Side View, Part II

I am frequently asked how I find the wildlife subjects that I photograph; the answer is simple...just find a spot with a good view of a creek and be patient.  Not only is water necessary for life, it also provides food to many birds and animals.

This male Eastern Bluebird was searching the leaves just feet from a stream when I photographed him...

An American Coot was swimming near the waters edge looking for aquatic grasses...

This preening Black Crowned Night Heron is one of two that were on the far bank resting in the early morning...

Horned Grebes were fishing in the quiet waters of Seneca Creek...

The larger Red Necked Grebe was sharing the same waters...

Belted Kingfishers are usually flying from one perch to another trying to find an unsuspecting minnow...

On the way home from Seneca Creek, I stopped at Whites Ferry, which crosses the Potomac River, taking traffic from Virginia or Maryland.  A ferry has been in operation at this site since 1817.  This is the only "cable ferry" remaining on the Potomac River...

Thanks for visiting, stay well, and stop back soon.


  1. Lovely!
    Yes, you have to be patience to get your Pictures.
    I see a lot of roes here but miss the moose I usually see.....

  2. Hello Steve
    The first ones are very beautiful, but the hole blog is good.
    Greetings Bets


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