
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Too Cold For Most Critters

The single digit temperatures kept most wildlife out of sight this week.  There was an indication that at least one creature did not stockpile enough food before the cold weather arrived.  The first photo is where a beaver drug a limb down a steep hillside, across a country road, down a creek bank, across the ice and to the den...

Well, it shows the "across the ice and to the den" part.  You'll have to take my word for the rest of it.
Birds seemed to be more active during the cold spell, getting out to scratch for seeds among the leaf litter, including this male Cardinal...

A Golden-crowned Kinglet...

White-throated Sparrow...


 Song Sparrow...

Tufted Titmouse...

This one is feeding on an insect chrysalis...

Some early Robins...


Hairy Woodpecker...

Downy Woodpecker...

American Pipit...

Carolina Wren...

Eastern Bluebird...



Black Vulture and a Turkey Vulture devouring a deer...

Thanks for visiting, stay well and come back soon.


  1. Superbe série!
    On ne s'en lasse pas, vive l'hiver!

  2. Great serie!
    Lovely birds, the Cardinal is awsome. We dont have him here in Sweden.
    I havent seen our wildness in a long time...wonder where my moose are?

  3. Thanks, all, for the kind comments and for visiting the blog. I appreciate it very much,


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