
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Stepping Back In Time

While traveling on Catoctin Hollow Road recently, I passed a log cabin that I have driven by hundreds of times before.  It has always beckoned to me because of its' rustic appearance and location.  It is the "Olive Green Cabin" owned by the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club...

The cabin was built between 1871 and 1892.  Property records are not clear on the exact date.  It is named for the last occupant, a lady named Olive Green.  The cabin was built by her father...

It is constructed of native Chestnut logs.  Ax and other tool marks are easily seen on the exposed logs...

It has only one room which contains a table, two chairs, a small wood burning stove and pots and pans for cooking...

A ladder leads up to a sleeping loft that has room for three adults, if they are good friends.  There is no running water in the cabin but a stream is nearby.  There is an outhouse located several yards from the cabin.

There is a dug "root cellar" beneath the house for storing vegetables from the garden...

Visitors have left various souvenirs, probably found on the property, around the cabin...

The cabin is available for rent by the day or week.  Staying there is an opportunity to experience a way of life largely gone by, and not likely to be seen again.

Thanks for visiting, pay a visit to the Olive Green Cabin if you can.


  1. Great and interesting post! Would love to visit that cabin

  2. Thank you for leaving a comment. I enjoy seeing how people lived in previous decades. It certainly makes me appreciate all of the modern conveniences that we take for granted today.


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