
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Early Fall Colors

Early fall is one of my favorite times of the year.  Some trees are turning color and some are already losing their leaves.  The smell of decaying leaves always reminds me of hunting squirrels with my Dad in my youth.  While one cannot turn back the hands of time, it can be pleasant to remember the events and times gone by.

Many plants have colorful fruit on them, waiting to be enjoyed, and dispersed, by the birds...

In our area, it seems the trees with yellow leaves begin to turn first...


Often, the first yellow leaves are those of the Pin Oak...

Some orange leaves are beginning to appear...
Due to the lack of rainfall, many leaves turn brown and wither on the tree, without displaying their characteristic fall colors...
This view, of an old Catoctin Mountain farm, will likely display more color in a week or two...

This creek is one of my favorite streams in Maryland.  It is picturesque, has historic sites along its length, and has provided me with many wildlife sightings over the years...

A spot where I often stop to look for muskrats, mink and beavers...

Even when wildlife is not present, this rock beside the creek provides a scenic place to meditate and reflect about whatever comes to mind...

I hope that you, too, have a special place to think your thoughts, free of most distractions...

Thanks for visiting.  Come back soon.





  1. Hello Steve
    That is really autum
    Beautiful colours in the trees.
    Greeting Bets

    1. Bets, thank you for your comment. This is one of my favorite times of the year.

  2. Hi!
    Lovely Pictures you present of your autumn. Great to see you autumn over there.
    We have a Lovely one here in Sweden this year. Its rather warm and no hard frost yet.
    The leaves are still at the trees and they seem to explode in various colours.

    1. Thanks, the colors vary from year to year depending on how much rain we have had and how soon the frost comes. I hope to see some reds and orange leaves soon.


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