
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Swallows, Vulture and Deer

Lilypons Water Gardens usually has several species of swallow visible.  At any given time one might see Rough-winged, Tree or Barn Swallows.  I photographed these from the bridge over the Monocacy River recently...

Nearby, I found this Turkey Vulture that seemed to be posing for the reverse of a twenty five cent piece...

In a field not far from Lilypons I saw this young buck.  I thought he was comical looking; almost like something from a Dr. Seuss book...

As this doe approaches the young buck you can tell that she is exerting her dominant status by her posture...

And the foreleg kick...

This mature doe is shedding her summer coat for a new one of grey...

Thanks for visiting, stay well, and come back soon.

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