I hope my visitors are not growing too tired of bird photos since they seem to be the easiest subjects to find at this time of year. Here, a Chickadee works to open a sunflower seed to get the kernel inside…
We have lots of Cardinals in our yard every day such as this pair...
Here a Brown Thrasher pursues insects in the grass…
Our special guest this summer, the Rufous-sided Towhee, makes a daily appearance…
Energetic Carolina Wrens gather food for their young…
This female Orchard Oriole was spotted at Lily Pons Water Gardens…
Usually thought of as a winter bird we have Tufted Titmice all year round…
A colorful Blue Jay is getting some suet to supplement his diet...
We have many varieties of finches at our feeders…
This Catbird is checking me out while I take his photo…
This pair of Downy Woodpeckers are regular visitors…
Note the sparrow that happened to be flying past when I snapped the shutter…
This Mourning Dove was injured by some accident or predator…
A Red-winged Blackbird taken at the Lily Pons…
A Red Shouldered Hawk circles overhead looking for prey…
This Double Crested Cormorant was photographed off Michael’s Mill Road in Buckeystown…
A Chirping Sparrow enjoys the early summer day...